Dan Moore explores the creative and expressive capabilities of percussion, making music with inspiring musicians and artists throughout the world in an array of diverse musical settings. His very personal approach to music-making encourages audiences to not just listen but to hear.

Musician • Composer • Teacher
“. . . a 90-minute fare where each note mattered and each arrangement and melody was wrought with zest and flair.”
The Times of Malta
“. . . a restrained and lovely moment . . . spoken with truth and deep feeling.”
Door County Advocate
“. . . Dan Moore, clearly a gifted improviser.”
ReR Megacorp, Surrey, England
“What makes these [recorded] performances so successful is: the constant variety and careful choice of seductive sounds, the scrupulous attention to different rates of flow, and just darn great playing all around.”
Robert Carl, Fanfare Magazine
“Creativity, wit, and humor”
James Lambert, Percussive Notes Magazine